Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Done riding; not done writing

Hey Everyone,

I'm okay. The last few days of the trip got a little hectic, so I'm adjusting and writing a strong finish that you will all enjoy reading. In the meantime, just know I'm home safe. Thank you all for your support!



  1. Wow, I was biking from St. Louis to Chicago the last week and wasnt checking the internet until today. I would have been worried with no posts. Glad you are home and safe.

    Bruce Perry

  2. I can't wait to read all about it! I miss you lots and love you even more - Mama

  3. NEED MORE STORIES NOW. Or whenever is convenient for you. haha. Glad to hear you made it home safe!

  4. David,

    Great stories!!!Just finished reading all the blogs. Thinking about Post 700. America needs an uplifting play bridging two cultures from one cross country traveler. I believe if you let them help you in the process you may be performing this play in the White House.

    When is the deadline to donate? Bareback
