Monday, July 27, 2009

Day Five- Done (Over 420 miles)

July 25th- It’s hard to find time to write with the heavy bike load, but I’ll do the best I can. Please be patient if it takes a couple days for me to post my daily journal. Some cities are far between.

I started out the day a little late, in hopes that the police would be on full beat, so that I wouldn’t get fully beaten. I was also dreading leaving as it was raining. I don’t know whether to say it was still raining, or raining again, because I don’t recall it ever stopping.

Well, my destination was Toledo, Ohio. There wasn’t much going on at all on the road today. My top speed was only 23.4 MPH. It was pretty calm; pretty boring. That brings me to my first “oops.” I was incredibly bored with the anti-climactic day that I had gotten into a riding zone. That’s all well and good if I was just riding on the side of a highway, but I was heading through a town. I ran a red light. The lady looked at me like I murdered someone. I quickly responded with the “you almost killed me” face.
I made it to about 30 miles out of Toledo and was greeted by my uncle Bill. He propped the bike up on the back of his car and we headed to his house. I got a great night’s sleep and a delicious spaghetti dinner at close to midnight. What would we do without family to do the unnatural for us? We chatted over the meal while he washed my laundry. Thank God he did, too. My laundry was starting to stink from rain damage.

I opened up a package my mom sent me and found some McDonald’s cards in there. After Cleveland, I saw them falling into the hands of some lucky bully. However, I’m going to protect them with my life. If someone comes at me and tries to take my McD’s cards I will scream, “No! My mom gave me these!”

Daily Lesson #5: If you head towards the sun at the same speed from dawn to dusk, you’re likely to end up at the same point.


  1. I guess I can't say enough how inspiring this is. I anxiously come here every day hoping to find more stories.

    I just checked out the pictures you posted from the past two days. I can't quite read the note that was left on the hotel door because of the glare. When you get back to California, I want you to translate it for me.

    Can't wait for the next post!!!


  2. "No!" My mom gave me these!" - bad idea:
    (1) They won't care and will still take the cards.
    (2) They'll probably give you a second beating for being a momma's boy. ;-)

    What lady looked at you like you murdered someone, the one that came a screeching stop as you rode in front of her? Glad to see your first lesson didn't take a hospital visit.

    PS Mom, Kristen and I are expecting Mickey-D's gift cards in the mail too. ;-)
