Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day Ten- Done (over 775)

July 30th-

I woke up to the rush of a firehouse changing shifts. Most of the guys were off at 6:45 am so I didn't get a picture with them (yet again). I talked to Ed and got most of the information of the crew. I said to relay the thank you and in the middle of that there was a fire call that involved a few other stations, as well. I got out of there before it got crazier.

I got a phone call from my Mom letting me know that my Grandpa (Step-Dad's father) had passed away in the night. He had been in and out of the hospital since his quintuple bypass surgery, so he was probably ready to go. I don't know how long I could fight the things he has gone through in the past couple years. He was a great man. I will miss him.

I decided that I was going to fast that day in his honor, since he told the family while in the hospital that he wasn't eating because it hurt. I went without breakfast and lunch. I made it until 4 pm and after 40 miles before I almost passed out. It's interesting to feel your body shut down and say, "No more!." That must be how his body was feeling.

I ate, waited ten minutes for the food to kick in, and rode a few miles in to town. I got a flat tire because they don't have street sweepers in West Joliet. I pulled the rusted tack out of my tire and walked the bike toward a Suburu dealership. That's where I met Dominique Barnes. He let me inside to work on my bike just as it started to downpour.

By the time I was done, the sun came out and dried up all the rain. So, I went up the spout... wait a second. That's not right. Oh yeah... I rode over to the Menard's (sort of a Lowes) to pick out a screw to replace the one off of my bike. Jessica watched my bike as I searched the isles for the two pieces. She then pointed me in the direction of the closest movie theater.

I went to the movies because everywhere I have been going, people ask me questions. It's as if I'm the entertainment. I wanted to be entertained. I watched "Year One," a comedy about becoming cultured. I enjoyed an enormous tub of popcorn and a sprite.

When I left the movies I got back on track heading west and set up my tent in between two metal containers at a housing development site that was being constructed. I set my alarm for 6 am so that I wouldn't have to talk to the construction workers in the morning.

Daily Lesson: You never know when your loved ones will be gone; act accordingly.


  1. I love that you took a break and went to the movies. You could have probably eaten a lot more than a tub of popcorn with all of the calories that you are expending.

    Your Grandpa Costello loved you so much! He was a great man and he was always so proud of you and his other grandkids. I know that he will never truly die as he lives on in our hearts.

    We love you, David. Lots of prayers and love coming your way! Mama :-)

  2. Is your butt hurting???

    I totally thought that would be the hardest part for me....but didn't think to ask you until 11 days into your trip!?!?!?! What's up with that!??!?!?!?!

    I agree with mom.....and also add that I was surprised to find that you didn't buy any candy! What's up with that?!?!??!?!?!? You would be the poster child for diabetics except for the fact that all that sugar you've ingested hasn't turned you into one.....yet! ;-)

    Keep up the good work.

    Sitting on his lazy butt,


    WORD VERIFICATION: LOL!!!!! The word for the day is....*drum roll* boutie HAHAHAHAHA! What a perfect word verification for this comment. :-D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My husband is so adorable! So you totally made me want a tub of popcorn...which is quite strange for me, since I tend to not like popcorn that much.

